Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Patrick has been sitting up very well lately. So, I figured I would test the new inflatable duck tub that I got a few weeks ago. He is getting too big for his infant tub, so I was very excited to try this out. Let me just say, I wish infant tubs were bigger! My back is killing me now!! Patrick sits well in the floor but apparently he doesn't want to sit up straight in the tub. He kept leaning backwards and sliding down into the water. So, I would have to lift him back up to a sitting position. And it was just awkward. I think our tub is taller than most, too. I'm pretty disappointed. I was really looking forward to "big boy" bathtime.

On the plus side, he did look very cute in his new tub!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow, snow, go away!

This winter has been the worst one we have had since I can remember! I wish Patrick was old enough to enjoy it, though. We got a good 8 inches of snow over the weekend, and despite the terrible road conditions, I still have to work. Dragging Patrick out in this is scary!! They are predicting more snow and ice over the next few days... I pray it's a fluke!

Dear snowy weather,
Please come back when my baby boy can help be build a snowman!! Thanks!

I didn't take a picture of him in the most recent snow. 19 degrees is entirely too cold to take him out! So, here are a couple of him in the last snow :)